리액트를 복습하는데.. 참 새로운 것들이 많아졌다. 그리고 라떼는 없었던, 지금 왠만한 유명 서비스는 거의 대부분 도입해서 운영 중이라는 그 HOT 한?- next.js를 알아보게 되었다. https://nextjs.org/
공식 문서를 찾아 읽던 중.. 와우! 할만한 인상적인 워딩이 있었는데 바로, aim to improve the Developer Experience 였다.
사용자 경험.. 그 전에 먼저 개발자 경험. 아, 역시.. 이래서 NEXTjs NEXTjs 하는구나.. 뷰가 다르구먼.. TMI로 next.js 공식 사이트 또한 사용자 친화적이었다. 게다가 learn 과정에서 접할 수 있던 UX writing은 단연 최고였다.
따라가는 중에 일부 추가로 알아본 리서치 링크와 메모들을 기록해본다.
From JavaScript to React
01. React: A declarative UI library
02. ReactDom
1) BabelScript
<div id="app"></div>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react@17/umd/react.development.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@17/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script>
<!-- Babel Script -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@babel/standalone/babel.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/jsx">
const app = document.getElementById('app');
ReactDOM.render(<h1>Develop. Preview. Ship. 🚀</h1>, app);
2) JavaScript
<!-- index.html -->
<div id="app"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Select the div element with 'app' id
const app = document.getElementById('app');
// Create a new H1 element
const header = document.createElement('h1');
// Create a new text node for the H1 element
const headerContent = document.createTextNode(
'Develop. Preview. Ship. 🚀',
// Append the text to the H1 element
// Place the H1 element inside the div
03. Essential JavaScript for React
Functions and Arrow Functions
Arrays and array methods
Template literals
Ternary Operators
ES Modules and Import / Export Syntax
04. React Core Concepts
05. Props used that adding attributes to HTML elements for in React
1) warning code
function HomePage() {
const names = ['Ada Lovelace', 'Grace Hopper', 'Margaret Hamilton'];
return (
<Header title="Develop. Preview. Ship. 🚀" />
{names.map((name) => (
If you run this code, React will give us a warning about a missing key prop. This is because React needs something to uniquely identify items in an array so it knows which elements to update in the DOM.
2) correct code
{names.map((name) => (
<li key={name}>{name}</li>
06. State and Hooks
React has a set of functions called hooks. Hooks allow you to add additional logic such as state to your components.
You can use state to store and increment the number of times a user has clicked the like button. In fact, this is what the React hook to manage state is called: useState()
function HomePage() {
// ...
const [likes, setLikes] = useState()
function handleClick() {
setLikes(likes + 1)
return (
{/* ... */}
<button onClick={handleClick}>Likes ({likes})</button>
From React to Next.js
To add Next.js to your project, you will not need to load the react and react-dom scripts from unpkg.com anymore. Instead, you can install these packages locally using the Node Package Manager: npm.
음.. 역시.. 티스토리는 쓰기 불편해서..
다시.. 노션으로 이동해서 다시 정리중.. ㅜ
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